Thyroid is an endocrine gland situated behind our throat. It produces some important hormones in the body that help control several functions in the body.
The reason for thyroid diseases may not always be known but their symptoms are understood better and timely corrective actions lead to near normal lives for many the world over.
The two most common conditions observed and few of their symptoms are:
– Weakness
– Muscle Fatigue
– Loss of appetite
– Loss of weight
– Heat intolerance
– Increased perspiration
– Increased bowel movements
– Tremors
– Tachycardia (Increase heart rate)
– Weakness
– Lethargy
– Increase in appetite
– Weight Gain
– Cold intolerance
– Dry Skin
– Constipation
– Dry Coarse hair & Hair loss
– Bradycardia (Slow heart rate)
Screening for Thyroid diseases can involve blood tests in laboratory like hormone test (T3 or FT3 / T4 or FT4 / TSH). Other specialized test that help in recognizing the cause may include Thyroglobulin (TG), Anti TG antibodies, Anti-TPO antibody, Anti TSH receptor antibody & more.
At AL Diyafa Medical Diagnostic Centre. satwa all the above tests are done in the state of the art laboratory and results are available within 1 week. It is an ISO 15189 : 2007 Certified laboratory.
Thalassaemia is the most common Genetic Disease. It is a hereditary type of anaemia.
Thalassaemia Trait is defined as a ‘Healthy Person’ who carries the defective gane for Thalassaemia but does not suffer from the effects of the disease. 8.5% of the world population is Thalassaemia Trait.
Opting for testing: Screening for Thalassaemia is normally recommended before the marriage as two individuals having B – Thalassaemia trait if married to each other have 25% chance in each pregnancy of having a child with B – Thalassaemia Major (suffering from the full disease!).
Screening for Thalassaemia can involve every basic tests in laboratory that do not cost much like CBC which given indication of MCV or size of the Red Blook Cells. Serum Iron / Ferritin levels to rule out or confirm iron deficiency are additional tests as iron deficiency can mimic Thalassaemia symptoms.
The final confiramtion or ruling out is done by Haemoglobin Electrophoresis – a method that divides Haemoglobin in the blood in various components and shows presence of abnormal type of Haemoglobin that is responsible for the disease or the trait.
At Al Diyafa Medical Diagnostic Centre, Satwa all the above tests are done in the state of the art laboratory and results are available within 1 week. It is and ISO 15189 : 2007 certified laboratory.
Allergies are the most commo chronic disease in developed countries reaching 15-30 % of the population. Allergy simply means an oversensitivity shown by a person to a foreign substance which normally harmless.
That is to say allergies are heightened protective response of the body to an “Allergen”. These allergens may be inhaled (Air Borne) or eaten (Food Borne) and they cause specific lg E antibodies to be formed against that specific allergen.
The symptoms of allergies vary a great deal from running nose / sneezing / shortness of breath for inhalant allergens. Common manifestations also include erythemas, swelling of body parts (contact) like lips or buring and itching. In rare cases it is known to cause even DEATH!!!
Whereas treatment of allergies may require a lot of effort, the causative agent may be identified by simple blood tests. These tests are aimed at looking for the specific lg E against the “Allergen” and hence identifying with accuracy or more than 90% the causative agent or the group of agents in some cases.
Al Diyafa Medical Diagnostic Centre, Satwa, the allergy tests are done by RAST method and results are available within 24- 48 hours. It is a state of the art laboratory that is ISO 15189 : 2007 certified.
We all know what is HYPERTENSION or in common language High Blood Pressure. What we don’t realize that with simple lifestyle modifications we can bring in control this silent killer!!!
Healthy Eating Habits:
– Reduce intake of common salt.
– Increase intake of potassium as it replaces sodium in the body.
– Avoid caffeinated drinks.
– Choose what fats you eat!
– Reduce / Avoid alcohol.
– STOP Smoking!
Healthy Cooking Choices:
– Avoid oil in cooking as far as possible
– Eat more vegetarian food than non-vegetarian in a week
– Choose whole grain bread (brown) over refined bread (white)
– Avoid heavy deserts and mid meal snacks!!
Lose Weight
– Reducing one kilogram of excess weight reduces blook pressure by 2-3 mm!
Exercise Regularly
– Any exercise is better than nothing.
– Brisk walking / Cycling /Jogging – done for 5 days in a week for 30 minutes are just enough exercise to keep you fit.
Learn to Manage Stress
– Practice Deep Breathing
– YOGA / Meditation
– Any other technique that works for you to reduce stress and help you relax
At Al Diyafa Modern Medical Centre, we have doctors to help you manage your HYPERTENSION better with not only medications but using RIGHT COMBINATION of these simple time tested techniques!!